Ashington Rugby Cricket Club
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Umpires Level 1 Course
Jan 13, 2013, 11:22 am

At the last minute we have been asked by Bob Simpson the senior umpires trainer to host the next 6 week course at our club, they were meant to be at Ashington CC but they have Zumba on instead.

This course starts on Monday 21st January running up to and including the 4th March in the Rugby Club from 7 till 9pm. Our Chairman will open up and support the umpires as without them we do not have a game we have.

Important Meetings
Jan 13, 2013, 11:16 am

Tuesday 15th January is the Northumberland Cricket League fixtures meeting at New Hartley Social Club. League and Cup Fixtures will be available on the night.

The following Tuesday 22nd January is our club Annual General Meeting (AGM) it is a 7pm start in the tea room  at the "Rec" please pass the word around we have some important decisions to make for next season. If members cannot make it please let the Secretary or the Chairman know ASAP.

Work on drains
Jan 4, 2013, 9:51 pm

Aimrange of Blyth was at our ground today 4th January; they sucked out 1200 gallons of water from our manhole next to the cricket outfield which is fed from the land drain at the bottom of our field. They had to go away and come back after emptying the tanker of the water and collect an extension as their 100 metre jetter hose was not long enough, after the 50 metre extension was added the jetter worked its way through the two manholes and cleared the sediment.

I was unbelievable to see how much water came rushing into the manhole from the land drain just what we wanted to see. After a few hours you could actually see some of the pools of water getting smaller on the outfield .

We will be at the ground in the morning as we are hopeful some or most of the water will have worked its way through the land drain into the manholes and away (fingers crossed)

Altogether Aimrange were at the ground or collecting parts for 2 1/2 hours so we are hopeful the invoice will be OK. 

CLUB AGM 22nd January 2013
Jan 2, 2013, 11:38 am

Please pass the word onto all of our members that the AGM is on Tuesday 22/1/2013 in our tea room at the "REC". It is very important that members have a say in how your club is run.

As normal we will be voting in our club committee and playing officials, along with the normal issues we need to discuss, including our accounts.

If you cannot attend please let the Secretary or Chairman know, or you have something you would like to raise.

Hello 2013
Jan 1, 2013, 10:58 am

From the members of Ashington Rugby Cricket Club we wish you all a very happy new year for 2013. 

A very big thank you to our sponsors in 2012:- KPlastics, Culpitt, Cramlington Computer Services, The Premier, Peter Grenfell Funeral Directors, Storm Roofing, M.I.W Fabrication of Blyth.

As a club we hope another year in the Preimer League helps us improve as a club, we however will not forget our values which is "it is more important to play and enjoy than the result". If we put in the effort and hard work the results will come.

Drainage 2
Dec 23, 2012, 10:45 am

Aim Range arrived at the Rec, but their jetter waggon got stuck up to the axels when trying to cross the floodlighted rugby pitch. They had to empty their full water tank onto the rugby pitch and then had to push off their wagon off the field.

We will need to wait until it is suitable to get them back so they can drive on the pitch or we have the nearest manhole sucked dry and get from the cricket pitch manhole and then jet.

Dec 18, 2012, 9:54 pm

We have sought professional advice and have asked Aim Range to come to the ground on Wednesday 19th December and power jet the drainage, which comes from our land drain at the bottom of the field beside the Rugby Club House to a man hole next to the cricket outfield beside the old running track across the 2nd team rugby pitch to the next manhole. 

The manhole beside the cricket outfield is full to the top and the manhole over the far side of the rugby pitch is virtually dry with only a trickle of water coming through. We suspect that the pipework is silted up.

If we do not look to sort out this problem this could have a massive impact on grass growth not only in the outfield but also the cricket square as the water is now reaching up that far.

We hope the bill will not be too much, just what you need at Christmas time when we hope the spending reduces.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Dec 18, 2012, 9:42 pm

We wish members of Ashington Rugby Cricket Club, family, friends, supporters, umpires and officials of the Northumberland Cricket League a happy christmas (plenty of turkey) and a prosperous new year.

We also spare a thought for those who are no longer with us.

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